

Students seeking teacher certification in Texas are required to successfully complete several licensure examinations. 您的具体考试要求将根据您指定的学位或认证计划而有所不同.


德克萨斯州教育工作者标准考试(TExES) tests measure the content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge required of an entry-level educator in a particular field in Texas public 学校.


有效的学习包括通过练习测试来衡量考试的准备情况. 我们的项目使用240Tutoring.Com作为在线实践考试门户. 与项目主管联系,了解如何获得折扣订阅. 


根据德州教育法典第21条.0452(b)(5),所有参加St. 爱德华大学必须展示使用技术的能力.  教、学和文化系合并了(1) TEA技术标准 对于所有教师和(2) ISTE教育工作者标准 融入课程. 

虽然科技的元素存在于圣. 爱德华大学的课程,以及学生必须参加哪些课程才能有资格在德克萨斯州教书, the program also requires that all students complete the course EDUC 2332 Integrating Education Technology as part of their curriculum.  这门课, 作为二年级的课程, 让学生得到强化, hands-on instruction in the various uses of technology in the classroom so that they may hone these skills as they continue through the 教育 curriculum.  以下是课程描述, 课程主题, 学生的学习目标, 以及用来展示对课程掌握程度的基本作业.


本课程旨在向学生介绍广泛的数字技术的教育用途.  The two-fold purpose is to help students develop a critical understanding of the ways in which students in K-12 settings can engage with digital technologies to enrich their learning experience, as well as support preservice teachers in developing their own fluency with digital technologies in ways that support their work as teachers.  The course will focus both on theoretical understandings of digital technologies and practical uses of specific technologies within classrooms.  这将是一个项目驱动的课程.  最后, students will be creating a digital portfolio that they will use throughout their time in the 教师教育 Program at St. 365比分网电竞.

In-class time will be workshop oriented with some time spent summarizing and updating online or out of class conversations, leaving a substantial amount of time for hands-on work in a supportive environment to experiment with and try out digital tools, 平台, 以及合作的空间, 组成及参与


本课程考察计算机技术, 组件和应用程序以及计算机在课堂上的影响. 实验室经验包括应用软件, 其中可能包括文字处理, 电子表格, 数据库, 桌面出版系统, 电讯,包括互联网使用, 录像和剪辑, 网页设计, 创建Web任务, 以及创建电子投资组合. 这门课 satisfies the university’s Computational Skills requirement; therefore, 学生必须获得C或更高的成绩.



  • 定义(教育)技术
  • 批判性地分析一个多模态数字产品的维度.e. (包括音频、文本和视频组件)
  • 制作并共享一个多模式产品
  • 反思他们自己与技术的关系,并确定增长和发展的领域
  • 建设专业网站
  • 参与与学科特定内容相关的个人调查, 教育技术, 课堂实践.

至关重要的任务 (Note: These are only a sample; individual faculty have latitude to alter as needs of the specific classes and students dictate.)

  • 定义教育技术和数字素养
  • 创建Webtext
  • 网页分析
  • 创建网站
  • 创建一个博客
  • 识别在线资源
  • 展示一个多模式视频项目
  • 将技术融入教学
  • 做一个负责任的数字公民
  • 在网上建立职业身份


根据19 TAC§227.1(b)(1) , 候选人在被聘为教育工作者之前必须接受犯罪历史背景调查.  如果你被判定犯了不适合作为教育者的罪行, 你可能没有资格在德克萨斯州获得认证(19 TAC§227).1(d)(1)).

根据19 TAC§227.1(b)(2),候选人在临床教学前必须接受犯罪历史背景调查.  如果你被判定犯了不适合作为教育者的罪行, 你可能没有资格在德克萨斯州获得认证.

The Texas Education Agency provides candidates with an opportunity to conduct a preliminary Criminal 历史 Evaluation. 此评估是非强制性的, 对个人自述的犯罪史进行无约束力的评估. 此外,该机构还会获得基于你名字的德州犯罪历史信息. 向请求者提供该服务需要支付不可退还的费用. The requestor will receive an evaluation letter by email from agency staff advising of potential ineligibility for educator certification. 了解更多有关 初步犯罪记录评估. (19 tac第227条.1(d)(3)).


根据19 TAC§228.35(a)(5)(A), 现役军人或退伍军人可以在一定的军事服务中获得学分, 培训, 或者是培训的教育, 教育, work experience or related requirements (other than certification examinations) for educator certification requirements, 前提是服兵役, 火车, 或者教育与所寻求的证书直接相关. 

圣退伍军人事务部. 365比分网电竞


我们尊敬St。. 365比分网电竞’s military history and its essential relationship with the United States Armed Forces by committing to serve and advocate for the needs of our diverse military population on the hilltop. 退伍军人事务办公室是与军方有联系的学生之间的联络人, 学校, 大学的院系, 国家机关, U.S. 政府和私人组织. 学生金融服务办公室, 主要建筑, 204房间, 合并了退伍军人事务部. 为从服务人员到学生的过渡提供资源, contact the Office of Veterans Affairs military and veterans affairs coordinator at 512-492-3193 or visit the Student Financial Services Office in 主要建筑, 204房间. 更多资料请浏览 sandpointes.jo-maps.com/veterans-affairs.


圣. 365比分网电竞 Office of Veterans Affairs submits and manages benefit certifications to the Department of Veterans Affairs on behalf of the St. 爱德华的退伍军人法案受益人学生. St. 365比分网电竞 is approved by the Texas Veterans Commission to provide 教育al benefits to eligible veterans and their family members under applicable public laws relating to veterans’ 培训, 章30, 31, 33 (Post - 9/11 GI Bill®), 35, 和1606年. 合格的退伍军人, 配偶, or dependent children are advised to contact the Office of Veterans Affairs for information and assistance in completing required forms for submission to the Veterans Administration. Veterans and family members enrolled under the current public law provisions are subject to the same conditions concerning Satisfactory Academic Progress (see “Requirements for Satisfactory Academic Standing” on page 35) as those applicable to all other students.

每学期St. 365比分网电竞 is required to report to the Department of Veterans Affairs regional office students who fail to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress.根据… Title 38 section 3679(e); any GI Bill covered individual, 也就是任何学生使用Ch. 31或Ch. 33 .福利,一旦提供St. 爱德华大学的VA颁发的资格证书,有权获得教育援助. 31或33,还有一次圣. 爱德华大学退伍军人事务办公室提交学期特定的GI法案证明, will be afforded a 90 day grace period from any penalty; including late fees, 注册成立, 或者在我们等待退伍军人事务部发放这学期的资金期间拒绝使用设施 .


1. 该学期的VA全额学费预计将支付给St. 365比分网电竞.

2. 日期后90天. 365比分网电竞 certified tuition and fees following the receipt of the student’s certificate of eligibility


根据… 19 tac第228条.70(b)(2),关于教育者培训计划的投诉. (a) The board shall propose rules necessary to establish a process for a candidate for teacher certification to direct a complaint against an educator preparation program to the agency. 

我们的学术团体通过鼓励合作的氛围来追求卓越, 共同掌权, 和完整性.  St. 365比分网电竞 is committed to treating all members of the campus community fairly and respectfully in an environment that encourages resolution of most concerns through discussion that leads to mutual understanding. 当这种方法不能解决问题或问题时, 学生可以提出更正式的投诉. 完成的步骤和大学的整个学生投诉政策是 贴在这里.  

对教育者项目的投诉可以通过这个过程向德州教育局发起 这里列出.  向TEA提交的所有投诉必须采用书面形式. 一般投诉表格可以是 在这里下载 然后通过电子邮件,邮寄或传真到以下地址. 

1701 N. 国会大街.  
传真(512)475 -3665
电子邮件 complaintsmanagement@tea.德州.政府


根据19 TAC§227.1(c)(2),  the Texas Education Agency requires Educator Preparation 项目 to notify their candidates that teaching positions are more difficult to secure in districts along the I-35 corridor in Texas due to the number of teacher preparation programs providing candidates within those 教育al markets. SEU lies within the I-35 corridor but has experienced a consistently high rate of employment for certified candidates. 更多关于供应的信息, 中学教师的需求和职业趋势可以在T例如劳动力委员会Careercheck网站.


Our teacher preparation program is approved by the Texas Educational Agency as an "EPP" or Educator Preparation Provider. 打算在标准EC-12环境中教学并完成所有毕业要求的教师, 通过相应的TExES考试和其他官方教师认证的要求, 申请并获得德克萨斯州教师资格证书, 是否有资格在美国其他州教书.  请跟 这个链接 了解更多与德州教师签订互惠协议的州. 


根据19 TAC§227.1(c)(3)(B). 365比分网电竞 Educator Preparation Program is designed to foster the intellectual and professional development of future teachers. 通过引导应用内容知识, 有效的教学模式, 不同领域的经验, 亲身体验学习机会, 反思性实践, 职前教师候选人发展其教学专业知识并获得专业技能. 



  • 2015-2016 -  98%
  • 2016-2017 - 100%
  • 2017-2018 - 100%
  • 2018-2019 - 100%
  • 2019-2020  - 100%

更多关于圣. 爱德华大学教育工作者预备课程可以在TEA上找到 关于教育者准备计划的消费者信息页面.